1 <p> <img alt="" src="/uploads/image/densite-image.png" style="width: 337px; height: 325px;" /></p> <p> Densite&trade; performance urethanes offer designers a unique new material for a wide range of industrial applications that require ultra-low compression sets, high durability and a wide range of operating temperatures.&nbsp; The material is available in a variety of densities and thicknesses.</p> <p> Feautres:</p> <ul> <li> Ultra-low compression sets</li> <li> High resiliency</li> <li> Excellent conformance to uneven surfaces</li> <li> BSR Elimination</li> <li> Sound dampening and isolation</li> <li> Vibration dampening and isolation</li> <li> Strong thermal insulation</li> <li> Strong impact, shock absorption</li> </ul> <p> Due to the great number and variety of applications for which this product may be purchased, Burnett does not recommend specific applications of product designs or assume responsibility for use results obtained or suitability for specific applications.</p> <p> For more information, please contact your Account Executive or complete the form below and you will be contacted as soon as possible.</p> Densite™ performance urethanes offer designers a unique new material for a wide range of industrial applications that require ultra-low compression sets, high durability and a wide range of operating temperatures. [empty string] [empty string] Densite Densite
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1 densite


Densite™ performance urethanes offer designers a unique new material for a wide range of industrial applications that require ultra-low compression sets, high durability and a wide range of operating temperatures.  The material is available in a variety of densities and thicknesses.


  • Ultra-low compression sets
  • High resiliency
  • Excellent conformance to uneven surfaces
  • BSR Elimination
  • Sound dampening and isolation
  • Vibration dampening and isolation
  • Strong thermal insulation
  • Strong impact, shock absorption

Due to the great number and variety of applications for which this product may be purchased, Burnett does not recommend specific applications of product designs or assume responsibility for use results obtained or suitability for specific applications.

For more information, please contact your Account Executive or complete the form below and you will be contacted as soon as possible.